
Online Training →

Training at a time convenient to you.

The CBA training platform enables you to easily coordinate training for yourselves and your employees. You can add courses, track employees’ progress, download certificates and more. *There is a higher employee engagement with a branded platform compared to an unbranded platform*

CBA portal with CPL Learning

Apprenticeship Training


Safer Food Scores Support for CBA Members →

Support for CBA Members

We have worked as food and health and safety consultants to the CBA Craft Bakers Association for more than a decade. Any queries related to environmental health, food hygiene, labelling, allergens management, or health or health and safety are put through to our team who offer expert advice which is free to CBA members.

We were asked by the CBA to develop baking industry specific management systems covering food safety, health and safety and trading standards. These Primary Authority management systems are free to CBA members.

Craft Baker Consultants and Auditors


HR Solutions →

Providing access to current HR documentation and Webinars.

The CBA’s partnership with HR Solutions ensures members can access free downloads on guidance, workplace legislation, draft document and Webinars on demand.

Employment Law Information from HR Solutions


Primary Authority →

A statutory partnership established by law providing a valuable resource to CBA members

You may not have heard of Primary Authority or how it could help your business. The CBA team offer this unique service to its members to follow best practice and with its partnership with Horsham District Council, provides members with support if they encounter an enforcing authority inspection.

Food Safety

Health & Safety

Trading Standards


Employment and legal Services →

Relax, the CBA provides you with all the help you need when it comes to Employment Law.

Do you have a question relating to Employment law? We can help.

The CBA also works with our valued partner ARAG Legal Services, giving you access to a confidential legal and tax advice helpline covering Tax Investigation and Tribunal Insurance all within your subscription.

Disciplinary Processes & Policies

Employment Contracts

Grievance Processes & Policies

Long-term Sickness Processes & Policies

Redundancy Processes & Policies


The Business Directory for CBA Members →

We have created this space for members who wish to expand their network and unlock growth within the craft baking industry.

Easily find suppliers and vendors specialising in Bread, Confectionery and Biscuits, Consumables and Fixtures, Training, Sustainability, Operations, Bake-Off and Wholesale.

Can’t find what you’re looking for, or perhaps you wish to advertise, then please email to discuss your needs.


Insurance →

Business Insurance - what is it, why do I need it, what do I need and do I have enough?

Simply put, business insurance protects your business when things go wrong, helping you replace faulty or broken items and offering protection from large pay-outs. CBA members get an additional 15% discount.

Bakery Insurance - additional 15% discount for members

Vehicle Insurance - additional 15% discount for members


Focus Assured →

Focus Assured work with the CBA to provide members with energy solutions.

Focus Assured


Members Reward Scheme →

The CBA rewards scheme is a great way for existing and new members to earn points when attending CBA events or using a CBA benefit.

When you use any of your membership services you will automatically be rewarded with points. Points will be collated and can be redeemed against a reward on renewal of your membership.


Card Payment Solutions →

The CBA with a partnership with MultiPay Merchant Services.

The CBA has partnered with payment experts MultiPay Merchant Services, to offer members discounted rates on their card payment solutions.

MultiPlay Merchant Services


Get involved, get recognised →

The CBA Members Recognition Programme has been implemented to recognise current members of the Association for their loyalty and continued support.

Members that reach the above milestones will receive a certificate as part of their annual membership renewal that can proudly be displayed in their shop windows. For more information on this or to find out more, give us a call on 01920 468061.


Clean Linen & Workwear  →

One of the UK’s leading laundry companies, providing food production workwear, rental and laundry services.

The CBA has partnered with Clean Linen & Workwear to offer preferential rates for CBA Members, for all their laundry and workwear needs.


The Magazine for CBA Members →

Each quarter we publish a magazine, ‘Thirteen’ exclusively for our members.

It contains useful advice, observations on bakery trends, updates on events and much more.

Refer a business scheme

If you find our membership and services helpful (and we hope you do), why not help a fellow business by introducing them to the CBA so they can benefit from a membership too.

Our new Introduce a Business Scheme allows you to recommend a business to us, that you feel CBA could support (make sure to ask their permission though first). We’ll get in touch with them and discuss what the CBA offers and how we can help.

If they sign up as a member, we’ll reward you with a £50 All for One voucher for putting us in touch. Plus, you will also be rewarded with 10 CBA member reward points!

So, everyone’s a winner!

For more information, please email or call 01920 468061 and quote 'CBA Refer a Business'.