Find qualified bakers.
Supporting Business
As a valued member of the CBA, we are here to support you and your business. We know finding qualified team members, or students, looking for experience in this competitive market can be tough. We are passionate about the baking industry and we are keen to pass on our knowledge and expertise to future generations. The CBA is here to assist the industry, be it through job opportunities, supporting newly qualified bakers or just simply demonstrating our craft to others.
This area is for you to promote your job vacancies and find candidates wanting to join your team
Do you have a vacancy in your business? - Email us with the details
Can you offer a student practical experience whilst at college? - Contact us
Baking Staff Seeking Employment
The Craft Bakers Association takes pride in supporting the baking industry and can provide you with access to a passionate community of Bakers and other members of a baking team that would like to work with you. If you are looking for a new employee why not take a look at the below.